Sound Therapy


A person performing sound therapy with a brass singing bowl and a wooden mallet, poised to create calming vibrations.

How Does Sound Therapy Work?

Welcome to the world of sound therapy at Athletic Advantage! This ancient practice, now modernized, uses unique sound frequencies to promote healing and mental well-being. This article explores how different sounds can positively impact your health, offering both physical and psychological benefits. Dive in to understand the science and art behind this truly unique therapy […]

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three drops of water falling into a dark blue pond

Mindful Approach to Stress Reduction

We often relieve stress with physical activity like exercise or setting aside some time for a bath, but it could be more beneficial to look a littledeeper into the impact stress has on our energy. Stress can leave you feeling unfocused and unbalanced. Prolonged stress can really drain our energy, affecting us mentally and physically.

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