Mark Read, Physical Therapist

Portrait of Mark Read of Athletic Advantage, head physical therapist


Welcome to my practice, a close, comfortable clinical setting where clients engage with me one to one. In 1990, I founded Athletic Advantage Physical Therapy, a private practice in orthopaedic manual therapy and myofascial release services. I graduated from Heidelberg University in 1983 and The Ohio State University in 1986.

In 2011, I completed a weeklong study alongside John F. Barnes, PT, world-renowned therapist, visionary, and authority on the Myofascial Release Approach. “Taking me into his highly charged and intriguing world of authentic healing, I refined my own skills and learned new and innovative ways of treating the myofascial system. I experienced the strong impact the myofascial tissue has on a person’s musculoskeletal posture.” With the numerous MFR courses I completed under John F. Barnes, I was able to earn the highest ranking of ‘Expert MFR Practitioner’.

Posture & Physical Therapy
I remain intrigued by the role posture has in daily life, sports and the rehabilitation of injuries. So many of my colleagues overlook or pay less attention to posture and the underlying conditions that impact one’s posture. With that clinical focus I have been fortunate to create a niche practice in evaluating posture and the anatomical and myofascial conditions that produce postural changes. The muscular tightness, weakness and pain that we experience from an injury, oftentimes are related to the changes in posture that we evaluate and treat.
The Discovery Of MET
As posture became more and more of an influence in my rehabilitation I sought out other methods I could change the postural condition. This lead to the discovery and study of Muscle Energy Techniques, commonly called MET, under the guidance of Thomas Ockler, PT. Tom is in private practice from Willoughby, Ohio, so he understood my private practice mentality. The MET treatment philosophy is focused on treating and changing the muscular relationship to posture. This was a powerful tool as it afforded me the opportunity to dramatically change the underlying posture of an athlete and improve their flexibility following an injury.
Myofascial Release and MET​
The process of simply treating a patient’s structural asymmetries was not nearly enough to achieve the results I expected, so I searched further. What I discovered was a treatment philosophy that dovetailed with the MET techniques and significantly improved my client’s flexibility and posture. My studies with John F. Barnes, PT at the Myofascial Release Treatment Centers located in Paoli, Pennsylvania and Sedona, Arizona have been instrumental in creating an environment where posture, flexibility and exercise performance can improve. Integrating myofascial release treatment with MET has revealed the missing condition that has entrapped the skeletal posture in the muscular system.
Healing At Any Age
I am a dedicated physical therapist who believes in promoting independent exercise that contributes to a positive outcome for every client. My clients will learn proper body mechanics, how to enhance their strength through exercise, feel improved flexibility and have a greater awareness of correct posture. Join with me, as a team, to guide you through the challenges in rehabilitation, and together we will grow in our admiration of the human body and its ability to improve and heal at any age.

Ready For a Visit?

If you’re ready for a visit and want the best physical therapy care in Lewis Center, Powell, Dublin, Delaware, New Albany, Bexley, Westerville, Worthington, Clintonville, or North Columbus, feel free to schedule an appointment today. Our helpful and experienced team is always ready to help, and will assist you through whatever challenges you are facing.